
Showing posts from July, 2010


     I am not one to generalise. So I hate stereotyping. It is just that in Kenya stereotyping what we love to do. And hot damn it has reached a point that it is funny as hell. Take tribal stereotyping for instance. My tribe can be said to be Kikuyu so I am a mkikuyu aka msapere (in slang/shen'g). Wasapere (which is the plural of msapere) are 'known' to love money so much that they are thieves in nature. They will steal anything in order to make money. money-oriented is what they are. They have been known to fake being of another tribe just to make money.      This is how. See in Kenya tourism is kinda catchy with them Whiteys loving to visit for the cool weather , the scenery and the culture. And the latter is where a Kikuyu comes in. Since we have been affected by the western culture, most of our traditions have been wiped out. It has been so eroded that we wear clothes these days. Yeah. That bad. Only very few tribes still hold on to their culture, one ...


Having closed campus and i had no other alternative but to go home.Believe me I tried. i hate home, you see. more specifically i hate the aunt we live with at home. but i came home to find out that there is internet in my fucking bedroom. so i decided i just might as well as get serious with this blogging thing. problem is how far in do i expose my life. i want to talk mostly about my life but that will be hard to do without mentioning people which will get them pissed off. but fuck it and them. life is short. I'ma write what comes to mind first. cos that is how retarded i am. i expect these posts to get better as i learn how to blog. i am just a beginner so bear with me and i am open to any advise.