What did the green baboon say to the drowning raccoon? I don't know the answer to that question all I know is if you are a follower of this blog I have moved house. Blog Ya Dexxe The 254 Republican That is right. It comes a time when every campus blogger clears campus and has to show an improvement in life lest his followers think dumb of him. Either by stopping to blog all together or by switching to more boring (read mature) topics. Guess which one I opted for? That is right. None. I am switching all right but not content. More like location . Out of lack of better judgement, I went and bought myself a domain and hosting services. If you really know me you probably noticed that I insist on exaggerated designs. I hate these default themes. And blogger and WordPress could only let me customize so much. I only get the freedom I want by having a self hosted site. But that option is expensive and hate ads on my site. They make everything look confused e...