What did the green baboon say to the drowning raccoon?

I don't know the answer to that question all I know is if you are a follower of this blog I have moved house.

Blog Ya Dexxe The 254 Republican
That is right. It comes a time when every campus blogger clears campus and has to show an improvement in life lest his followers think dumb of him. Either by stopping to blog all together or by switching to more boring (read mature) topics.

Guess which one I opted for? That is right. None. I am switching all right but not content. More like location.

Out of lack of better judgement, I went and bought myself a domain and hosting services. If you really know me you probably noticed that I insist on exaggerated designs. I hate these default themes. And blogger and WordPress could only let me customize so much. I only get the freedom I want by having a self hosted site. But that option is expensive and hate ads on my site. They make everything look confused especially if they they don't match your page theme. This puts me at a very awkward position.

I may not have said this before but the reason I have a blog is because I find it therapeutic. Sharing my thoughts makes me reorganize my mind and sometimes it eases me the burden of some heavy thoughts. You will realize that the months that I didn't publish a post I was happier with life.

Blogging only when you are sad or negative is dangerous. You may come off as mentally disturbed which is usually not the case. Whenever you mess up people are going to hold what you said against you no matter how irrelevant. I figured this out and tried not to put up depressing posts every so often and when I did I would try to find the humour in it. But that is usually really hard sometimes because I am not a funny guy. And I never spend days trying to make up my post come out a certain way. I either write it and publish it on the same day or it goes and dies in the drafts. I have more drafts than published posts by the way.

A lot of my memory is left on my blogs and whenever I visit it later on, (yes I read my own blogs) I find various grammar and spelling mistakes but most of all I end up remembering a sad part of my life. I may be over the incidence and laugh it off but I wish I had more happier memories. It's not like they don't exists. More like I have forgotten them.

I needed a way to make myself talk about even the goodness in my life.. The best way I could think of this was to make it such that if I don't blog I lose money. Aaah, look at me using money as a motivator. That is how people sell out.

But that is what I got so far. I pay for hosting services which if I don't use I will end up feeling like I have lost money. I am guessing that is how every blogger starts off by believing and before they know it they have been bought off by some corporation and the whole vibe of the blog changes. I don't want to be told what to blog because of money. But that is why most of the people host their own blogs. Right?

So instead of just talking about it I want to show it. If I ever sell out I want you to redirect me to this post where I am going to leave a message to future self.

Hey Future Dexxe,
Sorry, I mean Mr. Charles Kithendamu. Damn, you even changed your name? What the fuck is wrong with you? I knew you are going to mature but damn, I didn't expect you to grow in a money whore. Look at your posts. Only working in favour of a company that you used to hate. Now you are kissing ass and telling people people to sell their souls to them. Shame on you.
Remember when you started the blog? Remember the way you used to hate your aunt. Now you even stopped talking about her. Oh, she is dead? Oh, well. But still, I thought we were going to hold that grudge until human extinction. What the hell?
Now I know your masters wont like what I have just said to you and will have you delete this blog, but I am sure one of your 3 subscribers has already printed this screen and will be spamming you with it for ever.
Yours Truly,
Past Dexxe

P.S If you sold out and still don't have a speed bike then you are just filth. GARBAGE! If , however, you got some Aprilia parked somewhere you are still filth but at least you are cool filth. Wear a helmet. And don't do whores

I like the new blog so far. Material is hard to get but that will involve me reading more, being aware of my surroundings and be updated. All these things I usually avoid but the way things are going, I have to. So update your links and feeds and prepare for a bigger better bombastic blog. With ideas that are going to make you cringe, cry, laugh, hate and curse out loud, probably at the same time.

So what happens to this blog? Well for archival sake I am not pulling it down. I am thinking of switching on the ads just because I may not come back to this site for a long while and I am curious how much money I might earn. Maybe I can use it to run the new blog. But that will involve changing the blog design which I don't have the time and energy for. Ahh fuck it.


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