I am so pissed off right now that I cannot even describe what it is making me angry... No wait. I better try to explain. Because if I do not I will look like those hormonal Facebookers who update ''is feElin sAd'' Then when you comment (out of need to help) ''Hey swits. wats rong. ?'' They say ''nothin hun. juS some personal stuffS'' Don't you just fucking hate that? It pisses me off. If you say its personal, why did you freaking update it as a status then you self absorbed piece of < expletive deleted >. And speaking of football. When the hell am I going to start getting interested in that fucking sport so that I understand half of what half my friends update on Facebook? I am so tired of seeing statuses (statii?) like ''Wall Court scores a handtrick'' and not know what the hell was just said. And what is up with this Marsenal and Anchelsea United beef.I dont get football. I hate that. It pisses me off. To the ...