I am so pissed off right now that I cannot even describe what it is making me angry...

No wait. I better try to explain. Because if I do not I will look like those hormonal Facebookers who update
''is feElin sAd'' 
Then when you comment (out of need to help)
''Hey swits. wats rong. ?''
They say
''nothin hun. juS some personal stuffS''

Don't you just fucking hate that? It pisses me off. If you say its personal, why did you freaking update it as a status then you self absorbed piece of < expletive deleted >.

And speaking of football. When the hell am I going to start getting interested in that fucking sport so that I understand half of what half my friends update on Facebook? I am so tired of seeing statuses (statii?) like
''Wall Court scores a handtrick''
and not know what the hell was just said. And what is up with this Marsenal and Anchelsea United beef.I dont get football. I hate that. It pisses me off. To the point I get called gay. Yes, I am gay for not wanting to see 23 adrenaline-pumped men sweating all over running and tackling each other.  

You know what else pisses me off. Some relatives. You probably have those. The ones that overstay their welcome.  We seem to have more than the average share of those kinds of relatives. In a 2 bed-roomed apartment you find twelve of yourselves hovering about. 

We sometimes are so many in this house that we have to eat supper in shifts. Because we cannot all fit in the sitting room at once. Sleeping almost happens in shifts too.  I get to sleep on the sofa (because I am not the guest) and quite frankly it is not very cosy. I am six-fucking-feet tall, the sofa is five five. I do not fit on that cushion padded furniture at all. I have my feet sticking out at the end giving mosquitoes a good night out. Then I cannot toss and turn cos there aint space. Did I mention I am the last to sleep because I have to wait for everyfuckingbody to get out of the sitting room so that i convert it to my bedroom. I sleep at like 2 am yet I got an 8 O'clock class in the morning.

Mornings are another thing. You wake up at seven then half the family is up too. Some to go for work, some school, some to go piss of other relatives...
We are awake to use the same facilities, bathroom and shower. But since there is someone else using it, we have to wait. Thus causing a human traffic jam. I really hate that. Pisses me off

And while we are on the topic of hating, these soap operas really piss me off. Even more the people (mostly dudes) that watch them. What the fuck is wrong with you? You are a guy. Why are you watching such stuff? Stop taking your girlfriends estrogen pills dude. Maybe then you will stop synchronizing your periods to come at the same time as hers. 
And  not just the normal Melrose Place - Smallville kind of soaps do this gays-in-denial watch, they go for the Filipino kind. You know them soaps? The ones that the mother is played by a fag, the daughter by a transvestite and the father is a chick with a beard and a voice that makes a Harley sound like a hum. That shit is disgusting. And they always come when we are just having supper. The combination of the disgustion [i just made up that word] of seeing the Fagipino soaps and eating the bad food that my Aunt conjures makes me want to throw up. I hate that. Pisses me off

And speaking of things that  I dip in shit to make them taste better, when is this food in this country going to get cheap so that my Aunt diversifies a little? I am sick of eating maize ( and its products) daily. And considering my Aunt's religious, herbal and ethnic believes, we don't get to try out different ways of cooking the maize. It is always boiling a sufuria of maize and beans and adding greens just because that pastor on that televangelistic cooking show said to eat rainbow coloured food. Even if it vegetables, cant she just use the normal kind ,you know, the ones with names... lettuce, sikuma wiki, cabbage?

The day before yesterday we had ugali for super with some illegal green stuff (no it was not weed. Weed tastes better). That stuff was so raw, my sister tells me they had to add maize flour to the green catastrophe to neutralize its acidity!! What the hell!

So to answer the question why am I so pissed off, I will have to say it is probably the combination of all the above. I don't even remember any more. But now that I have vented. 

Do you have something you hate that totally pisses you off? Tell me about it.


  1. I get pissed at a lot of things Dexxe, I feel like you got into my mind, browsed for stuff that pisses me off, and wrote it all. I hate soccer, but then again, not many gay guys can stand it. I HATE/LOATHE/GET DISGUSTED BY (and all those weird terms you can think of)by those Philipino and latino soaps. They give me a stomach ache (true story, ask my sis). As for Ugali.... school food. Though I kinda like it. But not too much of it.

    Relatives... don't get me started. I feel your pain on that one. Another thing that pisses me off.... Parents who just won't stop treating you like the kid you used to be.

  2. Hey Random. Thanks for commenting. This blog is still under construction and stuff. New to this blogging.


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