I had a weird dream today! Not last night. Today. Because I only sleep in the morning. I find it hard to sleep before midnight so that sort of translates to: I never sleep at night. Just mornings!! Morning to me is from 0000hrs by the way. Anyway, the dream. Like I said (where?) it is very inexplicable. I feel like of late when I fall asleep I am not enjoying my own beauty sleep but someone else's. I am sleeping on behalf of people. Or I am sleeping for people. I do not even get which it is. I happen not to know these people ( unfortunately) but I get to choose them. So its pretty random. Its like I sleep there and get displayed a scrolling list then I go like 'lets try this'. And when I get bored I just come out of the dream and choose another. Today however, I got stuck in the freaking dream and it got very uncomfortable.

    I dreamt (as someone else) that we were about to con a certain rich fat man in order to steal his money. The plan was going very well . As well as plans in dreams go. I cant remember exactly how the grift was going but I remember on being confident that it was going to work. Then I messed up and everything went wrong. The fat man got was going on and I was the only one that could not get out in time. The fool was threatening to hack me to death with a machete he was brandishing and I tried getting out of that dream but it was to no avail. All my 'eject from dream' codes and phrases failed me. I remember feeling scared, shocked and annoyed all at the same time. It would have been 'off with my head' had my phone not rang and vibrated me out of that dream. It was my aunt telling me something that I really didn't care to listen to. How dare she wake me up in the middle of the night?
it was 10.00 am
  Anyway after 'gladly' attending to my aunt I got to thinking. They say that dreams are our thoughts extended and-slash-or exaggerated. But I do not think I have ever thought of conning someone of his money? Have I? It made me remember an incident that happened a few years ago that involved me hatching a scheme of stealing something all by myself . The shocking thing is that it worked. So well that I almost decided to make it a hobby. But I decided not to because I am so lazy that I do not even do nothing. Too much work doing nothing.
   A few years ago, before campus, I convinced my dad to give me his phone.There was no way he was going to buy me one so the best shot I had was to convince him to give me his. He finally did, but because he thought that it was spoilt. It was a brand new Nokia 6133 and I was as excited as fuck! It had everything I needed then. Except a memory card. It had the slot for it so I somehow got money to get myself a brand new 2 gig micro SD. It was bought from those shitty electronic shops so before a week it had spoilt. 
 What the motherfuck?
There was no way I could raise enough cash to get another one as fast as I wanted. So I sat down and started thinking. It (thinking) hurt like hell but I had to. The first idea that came to mind is the one I decided to go with.It had so many flaws but I did not think I could come up with another one. Or maybe I did not want to.
  The following afternoon I hit the shops, this time the high class ones. Looking for the right shop. For starters I needed one that was big but crowded with customers . Just in case I needed an exit strategy. I found it. It was one of those large shops that you do not get in, one gets served over a window counter. Perfect, I thought. I set my plan in motion. Conversations are translated to English
Do you sell memory cards?
Of course they sold then. There were freaking poster signs everywhere to indicate this. I was acting as blond as possible just in case I needed to plead stupidity. Surprisingly the Arab was not rude.
Which type ?
I pretended to be a super expert on these things.
I want a San Disk 2GB micro SD.
It had to be a San Disk, or my trick would not work. He showed me the kinds of San Disk models he had and I picked the one I wanted. He told me its price. I was listening. I was not planning to buy it.
Okay, but let me test it first. To see if it works on this phone. I have been to other shops and none of their memory cards worked on this phone.
He agreed. But said that their products work very well because they are original and what not. He let me do it myself. Because I knew my phone better. Big mistake... If you ask him what I did next, he would probably tell you i opened the wrapper, took the card and slotted it in. Only that is not what happened.
   I slotted a card in alright ,but not his. I opened the wrapper, took out the card and held it between my index and middle finger. I had the fake spoilt one on my thumb and index and that is what I slotted in. It all happened in a split calculated second. Needless to say, it did not work. Even after restarting the phone.!! He concluded that my phone was fake. Because he had never heard of a Nokia 6133 anyway and took back 'his' card. He did not notice the difference because both were very identical and all new looking. I went home with a new free memory card grinning from ear to ear and asking myself how that could have been so easy. What else can get away with? By the time I reached home the excitement was over and I even forgot about it. But recently I found myself in the same situation but this time it was earphones I was after. 
   So I am guessing that was what the dream was about. Dreaming that I had taken my 'thinking' skills to a much higher level, and sort of hinting that i would not be very good at it. So I was thinking (there I go again) if dreams just show us who we are , then maybe I should seriously check how far this grifting business can take me. Maybe I can get caught but then get contracted by the government to help nab bad guys. Or I could start a business where I help the ones that had been injusticed. I dunno where I am getting these ideas ( I really do not) all I know is I never thought making a career how of conning people. Till this dream.
   Do your dreams define who you are?


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