So I open my eyes to find my 18 YO sister hovering over my face and in the middle of telling me a story.! I blink, to confirm that I am not dreaming then realise that I am not because I can smell my saliva filled pillow. I sit up and look at her. She is still talking and gesturing about something . I can't quite hear her, my ears were still waking up! So as I waited for the white noise to disappear and switch on hearing mode I wondered to myself
Shouldn't people be first woken up then given a story? Or was it NOT necessarily  in that order?
What is the fucking time? Looks like 9 am, when my analunga dream starts?
And what the hell are you doing outta school
    I decide to ask her the latter. The white noise stopped when she stopped her animated story! Wow. So she was the one making the noise? Fascinating! So why was she not in boarding school were we had hid her? Did they burn the school again? Did they strike again? Lord forbid, are they on a midterm break? Luckily I remembered that it could not be the latter. Her school doesn't give them any midterm breaks! Phew! She was here because she was 'sick'. I gathered that that was a move to come home for a self induced midterm break. Unphew! By the way she was talking with animation ( she resumed telling me the story) she did not look sick to me! Or maybe my eyes had not kicked in fully?
    So as she went on to talk (about something called a 12 O'Clock. Is that shoes?) I sat there wondering what day it was and how am I going to waste it. Now that she had woken me up I couldn't sleep again so I decided to just sit there and look at her. I wasn't bummed at missing the fascinating story she was giving me because either I had heard it before or I will hear it again! She once (or twice or thrice. I don't remember) told me that she repeats the stories to me because she knows I am not listening the first time. How thoughtful
   I was by now 100 percent awake and decided not to go ape over her brutally waking me up! Because I actually had missed her and was sure that story will make me laugh when she repeats it to me later during the day. But not right now! Right now I am feeling breakfasty cos it feels like too early for lunch! What time is it really? Finally the story came to a halt with a final request to use my phone. I give it to her gladly because it was the only way to get her out of my room. Could not go back to sleep so I decided to do what a normal person would do! I logged in Facebook and flooded my wall with shenanigans.
    How did you wake up today?


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