This is a sucky day. But not because of my aunt! That was yesterday. Today is just gloomy. It looks like 6.30 in the morning but its is already midday! This weather is very undecided. Looks like its going to rain and has been looking like that since morning. Come on rain already! Yesterday it rained. I wonder why, the weather people had predicted a dry spell that they passionately nicknamed LaNina. I am thinking we set aside a special Lynch-Then-Burn A Meteorologist Day just for them because hotdammit! These guys are more confused liars more than lawyers and politicians combined!

     There is no water in the taps. Because this is Kenya and such things are not considered important by our greedy government. I had planned on doing laundry today because I will be very engaged from Thursday having to read for my resits and all before next week. Oh, I didn't tell you that I failed and have to repeat? Pardon me. I failed and so I have to repeat. Now you know. 
     Even if there was running water I do not think I could have managed to wash shit in this cold ass weather! Its so cold that Lil Wayne is shivering over the speakers. And speaking of noise, have you gotten the latest Lil Wayne 'Official' Mixtape? I Am Not A Human Being is the name. And for someone who is locked up he sure has some wicked freedom! How the hell does he chuck an album when in jail. Do jails in America not work the way they do everywhere else? Anyway. The first and last track be my favourites. 
     I found some spare change yesterday so I got myself new earphones. You know, so that at dinner time I wear them to avoid paying attention to a certain someone special in my life! Unfortunately, the right earphone (its always the right one) spoiled before I could end the night. So that meant no watching Sex And The City XXX Parody! Damn and the way the preview showed that Charlette was no longer 'uptight'. I woke up today to get another pair of earbuds.! Goddamn I am addicted. These newer ones are short but I will not use that as an excuse to get others! I am a genius, I will figure out a way to grow shorter. Six feet is a waste of height anyway.
     The internet is sucky! 119 days remaining to torrent the pilot of that new JJ Abrams show Undercover! Hope I do not like it. I am getting addicted to his shit! But that hope is a long shot! Kenya needs creators like that. Too bad no one can afford us. #lameinsidejokesareawesome!
    Blank thought
    Black thought
    Now playing Bill Gates
    What should I to do to day? Um, I could read. But I have not gotten where my notes are. I could look for them, but.... um I do not have an excuse here...yet. I could go to wash clothes, but only if  feel like getting a flu. I could go look for sex to get rid of this cold, but too expensive. I could go look for a job but that costs money. I could go steal something to sell but I am too lazy. So I guess the root of my evil is laziness. If I get over that lazitude I could steal something then go sell it and have enough money to bribe myself into a decent job that pays for all my prostitutal needs so I would not fear feeling cold so I would wash my clothes anytime!
   So yes. I  should get to working on my laziness. I will start working on that once i stop being so lazy!


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