Before I continue, I want to mention a certain expression I heard
Even a broken clock is correct twice a day
The outer literal meaning of this phrase is that if a clock stops working at , say. 11.30 it will be right twice a day. Since there is 11.30 am and 11.30 pm. The rest of the times it will be wrong. I looked at this expression and found it to be not all that truthful so i decided to tweak it a little

a broken clock is correct all the time
The literal meaning of my phrase is that if that same clock breaks at ,say, 11.30 ( again? Where is this clock from? China?), it will always give the correct time at a certain timezone in the world. At this moment there is a place on this earth that the time reads 11.30 if you use those timezone differences thingies we learnt in geography, hence a broken clock is correct every time. I havent worked out the inner metaphorical meaning of this phrase yet. But why should I do everything, let someone else come up with that one.

Turtles by Adam Bowman
So topic today. Online gaming. I am particularly not a fan of playing online mainly due to the the fact that Kenyan internet sucks, and this is after we just got fibre optic internet. The speeds are still very wanting. Fro instance,YouTube videos still lose the buffer race. A 3 minute 360p video takes 24 minutes to buffer. On a good night. So playing online games can be frustrating so I dont bother. But recently I found a 'game' that for some reason I thoroughly enjoy. Its not really a game ( hence the quotes dumb ass). Its just a kind of application of sorts. Its callled Turtles and I found it in iGoogle which is the pimped out pimpable version of Google. Turtles is about virtual turtles on your desktop that float about following your mouse pointer, If you click on the water you drop some food and the turtles rush ( very slowly) to eat the food.
     I found doing this very boring in a matter of minutes, and that is probably why I found out how to turn this into an online gaming experience. See, I realised that you can move the turtles by clicking on them and dragging them around. So what I do is I use one turtle to knock the others around. Call me a sadist but I found this very enjoyable. I love knocking them around all over the page and I wish it had sounds so that I hear the sounds of shell on shell. I wish also the graphics were better such that the shell cracks or-slash-and shatters. I wish also that the turtles could like have a chance to revenge by spitting fire or lightning and have more amazing super powers. Unfortunately, if my wishes came true, the game ( no quotes) would require a fast internet connection which would mean I wouldnt get to play it, so I guess its better that way. So until I find a more 'thrilling' game. I am stuck with this. Maybe you can know some online sadistic killing games that can work on12kbps. Please suggest


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