I watched this movie without known the cast or having seen the trailer prior to watching it. Hell, I did not even know that it was a new box office movie. I just watched it because I had somehow downloaded it and I had nothing better to watch! At the end I super enjoyed. It was great. Its about a pot dealer called White Mike (Chace Crawford) and his life after losing his mother to cancer. His living in Mahattan around a click of super rich spoilt tenagers and an illegal drug known as TWELVE. The story is narrated by Keifer Sutherland so that was a motivation to finish the movie. A Joel Schumaker film.
  I want to talk about my best scene in that movie. 
  But Dexxe, why talk about it when you can just upload the scene for us to just look at it without your biasness or exaggeration?

   Well, that is a good question. Thank you for asking. First of all I have a dead end computer, playing music is a challenge let alone editing a 480p video. I once tried installing a video editing software but the installation was aborted in the middle with a warning to upgarade my graphics card. Softwares these days are very bitchy! Secondly, Kenyan internet is so bad I can possibly take forever waiting it to upload the 2 minute clip. So you will have to settle for my explanation. Sit down and be quiet.
   It was a conversation between Jessica a teenager recently introduced to the drug played by Emily Meade and Lionel her supplier or dealer or whatever played by Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson. 
   So this Jessica chick was looking to score some twelve from Lionel but had no cash. See the chick had already gotten addicted to it since she was using the drug to escape her problems at home blah blah blah. She had spent all her money and none of her friends could loan her any more.
 The Scene

   'Hi', she says as Lionel walks out of his Escalade . She is looks very strung out from withdrawal. She is in some short golden dress that is really exposing her cleavage in a nice rich way. Not like a whore. She had just walked out of a birthday party of one of her rich bitch friends.

   'Lemme see the thousand', says 50. Nigga is in a white wife beater, a leather jacket and jeans.
I dont have the money right now! She is stammering. Probably because she knows how stupid it was to make him come all the way yet she didnt have squat. Or due to the fact that the drug was already making her retarded. But she had to have twelve. She could not last any longer without the ecstasy-cum-LSD-like feeling.

  'Wait!' she said ,as 50 had turned to leave. 'I can get you the money later, if you lease the twelve now.' She is not too sure if that would work but she was willing to try anything to get high that night.

   'Not without the cash' 50 sees she is really desperate, but he never delivers without the money.

   'I've got friends with money....'.

   'No' 50 inturupted, 'you need to get back to the house and get you some drinks. Just relax.' He turns and starts leaving again.

   'Wait'. She grabs his hand. He turns. She takes a second to continue, as if stalling for an idea to come! ' I can give you something else.'

   'I dont want some antique piece of shit out of this old ass house you just came out of' he said looking at the house she just came out of.'

She sees that her idea is not working so she turns it up a notch. She closes her eyes tightly and says in disbelive, 'I will give you a blowjob' . Then looks away, not believing she had stooped that low. But she needed the twelve bad.

50 is well amused  by the idea and chuckles. 'A blow job?'

'I am serious.'

 'A thousand dollar blowjob?'

'I am serious'

'That is some expensive blowjob.'

    This was going no where for her. She had to go harder than that boy in 300. So she composed herself to make another proposal. It was her final one so she put all the care to the wind, hands akimbo and hoped it would work.

'I'll fuck you.'

    50 is stunned, but aroused. She gives her a look from head to toe, ravishing her body  with his eyes . He likes what he sees but could her really take advantage of this 16 year old? Was it really worth it? 1000 dollars for sex with a minor? Tempting but he definitely could get sex from whores at a better rate. He stands there thinking this idea over and Jessica helps him come to a decision.

'I am a virgin.' 
    She was almost crying when she was saying this. The idea of losing her virginity to some stranger all because of drugs! But she had to get high off twelve. She holds her breath as she watches him think. If he said no she'd have no other trick up her bra and she would miss out on the twelve. She did not want to think what she would do if she did not get it in near future.

'Two fucks'.
    Apparently this idea was great to 50 because lets face it, how often do you get to deflower minors? Whores cannot give that satisfaction. 'One before I give you the drugs and after.'

'No'. She is suddenly a bit confident. Knowing that she had finally had a little control over the situation. Looks him straight in the eyes. 'First drugs then we'll have sex'

   He turns but does not leave. Still weighing the idea and somehow not believing that he was considering it. But still he was not seeing how could could miss out on taking advantage of such an opportunity

'What are ayou waiting for?' She was now completly confident. There was no way he could miss out on the offer and her feminine instincts told her he would not. He is a man! and men dont let such occasions pass them by. She was right.

    Scene changed but they did have sex in a later scene. That one did not get me. But the scene i just narrated did. I dunno why? It just did. 
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