Sunday. Today is. Woke up late. As usual. With no plans to go to church. As usual. Not everyone had gone to church today. Unusual. So I had to skip my morning ritual of walking around the house in just my boxers. Sad. I did however get to do the rest of my Sunday morning activities till they turned tragic.
I had just put the kettle on the cooker to heat up water for a bath. I had to find something to do as I waited for the kettle to boil because watching a kettle boil is not as fun as you might think it is. I went and sifted through my heaps of clothes and by means of the sniff test, determined the clothes of the day. They did not even match. Perfect.
Poke-poke-liking things on Facebook did not take long and the kettle still had not boiled. So I went off to brush my teeth. Fun. Remember that addiction I have of brushing the teeth so hard till my gums bleed? Well, today it turned up on me because my tooth broke. I broke my motherfucking tooth while brushing! I was so shoked-cum-fascinated that I did not feel the pain!
I was brushing so fast that I did not feel it break at first. It was something like brush brush brush crack brush brush brush crack brush break brush sting. The chipped tooth pricked me inside my mouth. that is how i discovered the crack crack break action was my tooth. It looked so blue under the Colgate Triple Action with Blue Strips For The Good Care of You and Your Whole Family.
So I just stood there dumbly. Foam in my mouth. Piece of tooth on my finger. Wondering how exactly to blame my aunt for this. I found infinite ways. But none could help me stick my tooth back so i rinsed my mouth after more brushing. Still no pain and decided that maybe it will not hurt after all. Maybe I am just shedding my teeth because that what happens when you leave teenagehood. So I am now walking around with a hole in my teeth which is very noticeable because I have horse teeth! But I have to not smile or gin in order to hide it.
I probably should go to the dentist but the kind of money that that would cost with the whack healthcare plan that my aunt subscribed for us.....
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