I am an audiophile, very crazy about sound. I love sound. This should not be confused with my love for music. Those are two different things. There are times that I will fill my mp3 player with only instrumentals because I do not want to hear how Lil Wayne can fuck a nigga but he's not gay or how Usher will make love to her on a bed on fire or how R. Kelly wants to piss on me. All I want is to listen to beats. Maybe get the instrumental version of Shock Value II because I want to hear the works of one of my favoutite maestros. Timbaland beats are just the bomb! Polow The Don is another beat maker I love.

        Being a sound lover, I am very particulate about the gadget that transmit to me. That is why I am paranoid about earphones, speakers and those other sound transmission devices. Since all my music is digital, they have lost some of their..., what do I call it..., quality?. And so I do not want to lose more of the remaning quality! Back in my dad's days guys must have enjoyed beats from the LPs and those other gramophone players. I swear, once I start legally earning, I will have to make myself a sound room and fill it with state-of-the-art ( or village-of-the-art, depending on how much of my money the govenment takes back) sound system! Quad Dolby Sourround 9.2 multichannel high fidelity shit. The speakers will be in real wood not those plastic lookalikes. The speakers themselves made from carbon fibre. Cones the size of my lil bro's head! Tweeters that make you want to follow them. Midranges that follow you. And a woofer that moves you! Don't get me wrong! I do not need a loud system, but that is the only way I can proof that they sound is right! Most systems sound whack when you get to to 90 % of their volume! The speakers start behaving shitty and that just pisses me off.
The  Arrakis is a four-way system employing two side-firing 15" woofers, two 8" upper-bass drivers, two 5.25" midrange drivers, and a dome tweeter
    Of course to boost the audio system that I am thinking of I would have to build a house that is acoustically compliant in such a way that when the volume is all the way up , my neighbour still cannot hear shit!. And the windows should not vibrate due to the low frequency because  that just fucks up the sound! So well will the sound be contained within that my wife can shot me repeatedly with a bazooka and the children in the next room will not hear anything.
   That is one of the reasons why I do not listen to local radio stations! The static interference makes me want to bang my head continuously on a hard solid surface. Nearly all channels are monophonic, making it sound like all the sound is coming from the corner.
   Which brings me to today. If you follow my post ( highly unlikely), you will remember me saying that I got new earphones that were too short for my height. Today I was working on how to shorten myself but I found it easier to just make the earphones longer. To do this without destroying the earphones or spending money was tricky! But I am a 'genius' and I found a way. I extracted a jackpin from older spoilt earphones and got a piece of long wire from the house's speakers' cord. And got the jackpin slot from an old Walkman. It was not spoilt but could not play mp3 and could only function with Energizer batteries. You can go on and charge me with misusing, but that player was very useless in today's life. Like some aunt I know.
    Now all I had to do was connect the wires correctly and voila. Longer earphones. Unfortunately, the easiest connection led to a monophonic sound and I did not want no more phoney sounds spoiling my ears. It was bad enough that I felt like the  right earphone had a piece of sand grain that was being hit by the tiny cone producing a a rrrrrrrrrr sound that is more annoying than my aunt's voice.
    So I set off to rewire it, but I needed a way to test my progress. I needed a stereo sound. I know alot, but I chose the one that I could easily get to the part where the stereo part is easily recognisable. I chose Jason Derulo's Whatcha Say. You know that track right? The one he 'borrowed' the chorus from Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek. I did not have the original track but somehow I had the acoustic version meaning less beats. Luckily it had the part I was looking for. Right at the start of the song, where the chick starts with
Wha wha wha wha wha what did she say
      If you listened to the beginning of that song with stereo speakers you must have noticed that the left speaker and the right alternated on producing the 'wha'. If you didnt notice, you either do not have a good music system or have no idea what a Jason Derulo is. Or just ignorant.
      Anyway I set the track on loop and set on to try my best to make a longer stereo earphone. Spent an hour or two trying but all I managed to do is listen repeatedly  to a dude saying how he cheated on his girl and begging for forgiveness. I had never listened to the lyrics before today.
   I know I am not a fan of RnB but I found the lyrics very stupid especially now that they were not being backed up by beats (acoustic version, remember?) He cheated on her because he knew that they ' meant to be together' and so he would be given another chance. They lyrics are just blindening but do not worry ladies ( and you weird dudes that love Derulo). I am hear to open your eyes. I will translate some parts for you.
I was so wrong for so long, Only tryin' to please myself
Translation: I really should have asked if you wanted to join us for a threesome.

Girl, I was caught up in her lust ,When I don't really want no one else
Translation : the sex was amazing, I even have videos

So, now, I know I should've treated you better ,But me and you were meant to last forever
Translation: I have to be careful not to let you catch me again now that its like we are married.

'Cause when the roof caved in and the truth came out I just didn't know what to do
Translation: When you caught me, I was like 'Oh Shit!'

But when I become a star we'll be living so large I'll do anything for you
Translation: If I could, I would buy you something expensive now to make you forget all this.

I know what I did wasn't clever ,But me and you were meant to be together
Translation: I really should should be careful what scent I bring home. And keep a GPS tracker on you at all times.

I dont want you to leave me , though you caught me cheating
Translation: I hope you are dumb enough not to leave me and I will be careful not to be caught next time.

To make a long story short, I also want to know wha wha wha wha what she said!


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