So today is Sunday. And by now it must be obvious to you that I did not go church. I am going to hell right? The best thing about being a Christian is the level of piousness we conduct ourselves with . We are so quick to judge. Isn’t that the work of God? Then why play God? Last weekend when I took an inexpensive trip to the coast (will explain later) , I had a talk with our school bus driver about which denomination was accurate where he simply said all Catholics are not following the Bible. Starting with the simple fact that they do not agree on which is the Sabbath day. I actually thought it was on Sunday, you know, because my computer calendar says so. Apparently Saturday is the seventh day and that is when we are supposed to take the biblical rest hence the Seventh Day Adventists. The simple fact that Christians cannot agree on the seventh day is a tad disturbing. I might just as well as start my own denomination and call it Mwanga wa Majuu ( Brightness of Ups. Am I translating that right?) where it would follow the Swahili language whereby the seventh day would be Friday. (Saturday is the first day in Swahili <Jumamosi>). Where one would have to pray to God through some irrelevant person who I am yet to think of. What is wrong with Christianity?
     Sometimes I tend to think it is more religious to be Muslim. These guys have it all figured out. There are no loopholes, no margin for error. Everything is clear cut with them. But it is hard to have grey areas when you all read from the same book and in the same language. Yes they maybe too strict with having their women hide in ninja outfits that totally hide their bods, and yes they may have their men in square-looking dresses but still, it works better than Christianity. I even hear the facial description of the Anti Christ is clearly written in the Quran (citation needed). Apparently one of his eyes will be deformed or something. That is a pretty specific description don’t you think? And it kind of makes me think of all these music celebrities that try to hide one of their eyes in their music videos. What are they trying to do? Audition for the the part of Anti Christ? If so I think Lady Gaga will get the part. Come on, do not tell me that you do not think the Anti Christ can be a chick. In this current world that is so determined to make men and women have equal rights, I tend to think that it is possible for the Anti Christ being female. In fact I think its probable, Christ was male so...

      Before you quickly judge me to hell and condemn me for making all kinds of sins today let me remind you that these are just my opinions and you are free to share yours with me in any manner you see fit . I know you will choose the judgemental manner but hey, thank you for being you. I tend to write what I think without at all editing myself. I am not even in a environment that one would call sacred. I am seated in a smoky room with a half naked girl lying before me and I take a sip of cold liquid that cannot be confused with milk. Vybz Kartel is screaming something about a bitch riding his cock like a bicycle over the moans and screams of the porn that my next door neighbour is watching. Still I am not scared to share #mythinkingS of a topic that is sacred. And you should not be scared to think. You may be scared to share your thoughts but do not be afraid to think. It ain’t illegal yet.
     I remember in CRE class being told not to ask questions and just believe. But that is very hard for a person whose mind thinks. I had so many questions that are still not answered. Right from the start. Adam and Eve were the first people on earth, right? They had two sons. Cain and Abel, right? Then Cain killed Abel, right? Was this before or after these two had sex to give birth to a whole generation of us? I know what you are probably thinking, gay sex cannot bring forth babies. But I am inclined to think that in miraculous situations it can. The we-came-from-Cain-and-Abel idea maybe hard to digest so the milder version would be Adam and Eve had unmentioned daughters who would later give birth to us. But then who fucked these daughters? Would it not require a whole lot of incest to fill the earth? Cain sleeping with the sisters, Adam with the daughters, Eve and the daughters (hot), Cain with the mother (ewww!). This is still hard to digest because it has been proved that inbreeding causes retarded growth but I am also inclined to think that in miraculous circumstances it is possible to produce anatomically correct babies from first degree incest. The last idea I can think of is angels descended down from heaven to service the women and get serviced by the men (female angels? really?) on earth. A straight up miracle. If any of the three ways is correct, do you see why I am correct in saying that we are all miracle babies?
     Sometime back we were in a discussion (read argument) on this getting saved issue. Are you saved? What does getting saved mean? The Bible says that Jesus died for everyone's sins. Those that I committed and those that I will commit. Then why get saved again? Doesn't that kind of imply that Jesus died for nothing? Or do we subliminally acknowledge the fact that He did not actually die? I recently got shocked to find out that there might be a possibility that Jesus did not die and those that think that are apparently shallow thinkers. Remind me to show you how this kind of thinking came about.
     Talking about sins, which is greater than the other? Most people have a list of what kind of sin is allowable and which is not. That is why one might not see them self going to hell for illegally downloading music from the internet as long as he is not a murderer. Because murderer is ranked way higher than pirating. Sin is sin. No one greater or lesser than the other. That is what I was told in CRE class. And then just to confuse me more they told me that blasphemy is the greatest sin. What the hell! See why I am confused? 
     I need to log off before I confuse myself more. I have to go to sleep and meet up with the girl of my dreams anyway. But my parting shot would be this. I do not think religion matters. As long as you live right. I think I can manage to follow all religions because right at the base they are all talking of the same thing. Live right. So I am going to borrow a little from Christians to be Christian-ish, a little from Muslims to be Muslim-ish and a little from the Jews to be . . .


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