I should be at home on holiday. We closed school last month. But somehow someway I am still in school. Something to do with that long field work I told you about. Oh, what? I didn't. Well, next month, we will be going to this a field activity like the one I took last December. he only difference is that this one is going to be twice as long and twice as expensive and, most definitely, twice as tiring as the last one. EXCITOS -_- .
As we wait for the August trip, we are required to spend this July rehearsing and making preparations or some bullshit like that. So no going home. To some this was a major bummer but to me, anything that will keep me away from my aunt is pretty much welcome.
So I have this whole month to myself hopefully to get my shit together and find my inner self. Or some bullshit like that. With the free time and free internet I am trying out something new. I am promising myself that this July, I will make a post everyday. Short or uninteresting as it may be, I will try and do that.
I know its going to be bloody difficult but its the only way I can give this 'I Need To Stop Being Lazy' Campaign a shot. If you got something you'd like to see me blog about, holla. Anything, even football. I got to put not less than 30 posts, and I need a variety of issues other than talking shit about my aunt.
I actually starting this obsession yesterday but it backfired as you will see in the previous post. I blame it on the Nokia N97. A shitty phone that I will tell you about in other post. Also remind me to tell you about finally getting a hostel room after a whole school-year of sleeping while standing up* .
So here is to keeping promises. Clink
* I did not actually sleep while standing up. That is kind of made up.
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