I am living in a death trap I tell you. Just days after my hostel door is fixed, another part of the room falls apart. This time it was one of those drawers that I put my clothes on. It just gave in. It could not support the weight on 2 flies. I initially did not know this because I have never needed to put anything on it, until yesterday. I am thinking of calling Njoro the Carpenter again but I fear that the hostel may start charging me because of all the damage 'I' am causing. But in reality, the damage is caused by not bothering to renovate a building that was up in the 70's.
     So now I have to be uber careful what I do in there lest the roof falls on me. I have to assume the table is next so no heavy stuff on it. The bed too must not be rocked unnecessarily. The chair must be waiting for an extra ounce of disturbance to snap the metal that is holding it, so even that must not be touched. So in short, no sex in this room.
     I am finally finding it possible to live here despite the death trap nuisance. The water is cold so now I boil bathing water and use one of those plastic containers to pour water over my self to make the experience feel like a shower. I still prefer showering to bathing but i cannot let the freezing water touch me. And not to sound like I am out of conversation starters or something but what is up with the weather these days? Damn! Its so cold that the hostel custodians have refilled all the condom dispensers! Its so cold that some are saying that sleeping with a girl does not even help. Its so cold that I sleep with a fucking jumper with the hood on! What the hell is going on? I read the weather report on this phone and it says that temperatures go as low as 9 degrees  Celsius  at 5 am. No wonder I kept waking up at that time. 9oC! And that is the sunny Nairobi, what if I went home, which is awkwardly close to Mt Kenya? I shiver just thinking about it. I want back the 15oC weather. Now that I am going for field work next month, I would like the weather to be bearable. Nine fucking degrees! #Thisisbullshit


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