Jesus Christ! Did I just misspell the word QWERTY? On a fucking computer keyboard? I need help.  The time now is 6 am. I woke up at fucking 6 on a fucking Saturday. I just found it hard to sleep anymore. And I do not think I slept that early! So what is keeping me up? Its hard to tell.
      Since my classes had ended unofficially, I got a friend to hook me up with an entertainment gadget to pass time with. He had the Nokia N97 to spare so it was mine  for like 2 days. At first I found this phone very annoying. It is fully touch and with a slide of a qwerty keyboard. The thing I find annoying is this: Why have both? If a phone has a fully functioning keyboard, why get charged extra to have the screen be fully touch sensitive? Or vice versa? Maybe I am just hating but until I stop, I do not think I can get overcharged for such gimmickry. But I have always hated both qwerty and touch phones. So I think the combination of both just bored me. Touch screens I hate because I can never seem to just press one key. Some phones have a screen of less than 4 inches and still insist on a qwerty touch screen. Texting is a freaking nightmare. But the N97 had a decent enough screen and plus the touch screen keyboard was not qwerty, rather the conventional 3 by 4 (I don't know how that kind of keyboard is called). I almost got used to it but since it was a Nokia, it hung a lot so that when you touch the message icon once, nothing happens. So you double touch it thinking that is how you open a menu icon. But the phone is now reacting to the first touch and the double touch (which you did not realize was triple) just went to create new and then to send then to phonebook. Somewhere along that confusion you get a text from Ann asking why you sent her a blank text.
Why did you send me a blank message, is it because you shoot blanks? – Ann.
  The qwerty keyboard thing is also something that I find works best for me if the phone is huge so as to avoid the buttons being close together like the C3. I tried typing with that phone once. ioyt weas dspofguicvlkionmfg jhasrtdf. I kept pressing even the letter that was next to the one I intended. Stupid big hands of mine. But if I want to get a big phone that fits a qwerty keyboard, why not just buy a laptop? They cost the same! But in all honesty. The Nokia N97's keyboard is well spaced, so unless you have Shrek's fingers, pressing 2 keys at a time is not easy.
     The thing that sucked to me next was the USB connectivity. First of all, I had no idea Nokia had gotten rid of the tradition socket charger. Now their phones can be charged using a USB port. Like a Sony Ericsson. That is awesome. But not for this phone. You can not do data transfers using the USB port. Maybe it was the cable I was using, maybe it was the specific phone I was using. All I know is backing up a 32 GB phone via Bluetooth is a bitch. And why do even high-end Nokias still hang? Is something wrong with the OS? When using this phone you have to make sure not to turn it when using some applications, because the screen tries to turn with you like its supposed to (accelerometer) but then hangs and the next thing you see is a huge hand trying to pull a kids hand. Where does that guy always want to pull that kid to? Nokia connecting people. By force?

     And what is the deal with the 32 GB space? What is all that memory for? And they call it internal memory when its actually really not. When you go to the memory status you get to see the phone memory which was small, then mass memory which was 32 gig and then memory card which was 1 gig in this case. If the memory was internal, the phone memory would just have been the whole 32 gig and eliminate the mass memory nonsense. This is because I still got the ‘memory full’ message just because I was putting stuff in the phone memory. So I had to move them to the mass memory and that just made me feel like I was using a memory card. So in short, if they cannot make the memory to be one, they may just as well as get rid of the forced 32 gig internal memory. It may make the phone cheaper and which ever pyscho needs 32 gig on a phone will just buy a microSD to slide it in there. 32 Gb on a phone. What the fuck for at this age?
     Something else annoying about the phone? The camera. What a waste that was. Its a Carl Zeiss 5 megapixel camera. With a built in flash. And that is now the problem. The flash. Its too close to the lens if you ask me. When taking flash shots, the light gets in the way and the left side of the pictures get blurred. That is the phone I used to shoot My New Room. Look at how they turned out. You would have to me Mutua Matheka to get a decent night photo. The day photos are super however. But then again so are the day photos I took with the 1.3 Mp camera phone I lost.
    But I do not think it would be fair to just trash (read truth) that phone like that. I need to say good things about it before I get sued for deformation or something by Nokia. (By the way can that happen?). Nice thing about this phone? Um, other than the fact that I was using it for only 2 days, that is. I would have to say the screen. The way it looks, not the way it works. With the homescreen having different widgets and then the way you just swipe them all away when you don’t need them and then back on when you do. I found that smooth.
     What else ... what else? know what, I did not get the phone for long enough to get to find the hidden goodies. But I am sure they are somewhere in there. People cannot just be crazy to spend all that KaSH on something that does not work right? But the way I have seen it, money makes a nigga (even niggettes. Mostly niggettes) crazy. Some rich people buy a phone just to maintain the social status and does not even bother with the features. They just buy it because its an iPhone and its the latest. Never minding the fact that the only differences with the older iPhone model that cost half as much are features that they are not going to use anyway.
      That reminds me. Why does the E7 cost more than the N8? Is it just because the E7 has a qwerty keyboard? I went to some phone shop where this sales chick told me the E7 costs 10 K more than the N8 because the former has way more features. What features? Are those two not the same? The N8 even has a better camera.
Just remembered something cool about the N97. Some feature (I do not remember its name) that lets you stream music into your radio. The way it works is you play the music from your phone then set it to transmit to a radio frequency say, 100MHz and any radio gadget near the phone will be able to pick up the music. Which means you play music from your phone via the car stereo without a wired connection. Fucking A. If that feature becomes popular I can see us silent clubbing in the future. My definition of silent clubbing is having a lot of people in a bash all listening to the same music but through head phones. That way everyone can control how loud they want their music and neighbours will not complain about the noise because it will not be there


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