I was recently informed that my blog takes too long to load. When I had this I was very shocked. What, you mean even you read my blog? I got to be careful how far this shit spreads because if people who shouldn't, get's a wind of it, I am done.
Anyway. Thing is, I wasted a lot of time customizing this template. I am not good at this webdesign shit so I am not going to try and change it anytime soon. I don't make money off this blog so you can feel free to view it through other channels other than this address. You can, for instant, try reading it from Facebook by liking my page. Or you can subscribe via Email or those funny feedreaders now that Google reader is f'd up. You can use Wordpress although I take a while before I sync them. You can add ?m=1 to the address to switch to mobile site if your phone does not automatically convert the page. Or, and this is by far the best, you can use the new views that blogger's got. Personally I like Magazine view best, but let me know which one floats your boat. So you see, I got all shit covered. Only thing I don't have is an app and I am getting right on that. (No I am not)
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Anyway. Thing is, I wasted a lot of time customizing this template. I am not good at this webdesign shit so I am not going to try and change it anytime soon. I don't make money off this blog so you can feel free to view it through other channels other than this address. You can, for instant, try reading it from Facebook by liking my page. Or you can subscribe via Email or those funny feedreaders now that Google reader is f'd up. You can use Wordpress although I take a while before I sync them. You can add ?m=1 to the address to switch to mobile site if your phone does not automatically convert the page. Or, and this is by far the best, you can use the new views that blogger's got. Personally I like Magazine view best, but let me know which one floats your boat. So you see, I got all shit covered. Only thing I don't have is an app and I am getting right on that. (No I am not)
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