How was your day? Mine? Class was shit but the visit to the school clinic was shittier. My stomach has been hurting since as long as I can remember (two days ago) and I decided to make a quick stop at the clinic for my usual round of 'it's nothing serious. It's probably just normal amoeba. Take these' . I tell Doc I have diarrhea and he figures that I need to get my shit together, so prescribes some drugs .
      Since I was already there, I decided to tell him about my cracked tooth. See, last weekend I was with a pal of mine somewhere in Kawangware looking for cheap shoes that could fit me. None of the ones we saw fitted both qualities so headed on back. On the way, we bought sugarcane. After he was through with his he started complaining of rashes on his face. Tried to look back and see if he had eaten anything that he was allergic to. This nigga is allergic to a variety of proteins. Milk and shit. How did such guys breast feed when they were babies? Or is the body immune to that milk?
     Anyway, he tried thinking of what proteins he had eaten and he came up with nothing. I suggested that maybe he was allergic to sugarcane. He was not. Only animal products. But then everyone knows that most of these town grown foods are grown using human sewage as both soil and fertilizer. Probably why they were so hard anyway. So I started laughing at him telling him he is allergic to shit. Nigga here was swelling all over and all I could do was laugh and make shitty jokes. Well, what goes around comes around and creates a circle. Two minutes later, as I was finishing my sugarcane, I felt my tooth break. You guys know the one, right? My left upper canine that started breaking over a year ago. Yeah that one. It cracked right down to the gum so now there is pain. So much fucking pain. That was why I was really at the doctor's place.
      But the school doesn't offer those services for free. I have to pay. I am supposed to go to the dental school and have other students do their practicals in my a fee. The concept of getting detoothed by dental students was not appealing. Even after I heard that the cost would be subsidized. Paaaaass!! But then he told me of another centre where he once went and did not feel pain even the slightest as the tooth got extracted? Shut up and take my money! I got the number of the dentist and I now plan on visiting him some time next week. I want to see if I really will feel no pain.
      So next week my tooth is gone. Which means that if I get to be a vampire I can't suck blood (owing to the fact that I have a missing canine). I will probably be drinking it from a bottle or something. It really sucks knowing that even if when I die and rise again as a vampire my life will still suck the same. But still, I console myself knowing that a toothless vampire will still make a better story than Twilight. And me a better vampire than Edward.


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