Here is a strange dream I just woke up from. I am feeling pressed by pee (is that correct English) so I run to the toilet and find that it is occupied by a family member. I quickly hurry to my parents room to use the second bathroom. Only to get there and realize that there is no second bathroom. I see a hole on the top corner of the bed drawer and my dream brain tells me it's okay to pee there. I start pissing and halfway through I hear piss hitting the floor. That is when my brain goes like 'This is not the toilet'. No shit. I hurry back to the real bathroom and this time the member is out. Not my member. The family member that was using the toilet. I am about to walk in when I hear my mom's voice in the living room. She had just arrived. I run to my sister's room looking for a mop. Could it find any. I run to Mom's room to see what I can use to clean up. Time is running out because I hear her voice louder every minute. She is talking to my kid bro. Telling him that he loves tea leaves so much that when he goes to prison she will always be taking it to him there. I don't even find that comment weird because I am still wondering what to do. Then I start convincing myself that it is not noticeable. 'It doesn't even smell, does it?' I taking in a deep breath just as she walks in and then the whole room started vibrating rhythmically. My morning alarm just saved me from the mother of all awkwardness. Phew!
    First thing I do when I wake up is grab my crotch. I have had stories that when you die in your sleep you die for real. When you orgasm in your sleep you come for real. When you pee in your dream....
   I, however, had not pissed on myself. But instead of being grateful, I started wondering whether there is an age where bed-wetters grow out of it. I remember back  in primary school guys would piss in their sleep so much that they even peed on their bottom bunk bedmates. In high school the rate got droped. Maybe because the bed-wetters did not make the high school cut. And then in university, there is no sign that guys wet their beds. Maybe they got better at hiding it. I don't know. Let me know what you think.
  Were (are) you a bed-wetter? Do you know of one? When did it finally stop and why?

PS: I stopped wetting my bed before I started primary school. And by wetting I mean with pee.


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