Some time back I asked you guys a riddle. Oh my. Is that correct English? Lemme go back. Some time back I inquired you guys a riddle. No. That does not feel right either. A riddle was questioned to you? Help me out here guys. What is the correct form of that statement?
     I am usually am very slow in making  follow up posts but this time I think I am improving because I have made this post only after 1 year. But before I give out the answer to that one, here is another one to keep you preoccupied. It is also old.

A dying father left his 3 sons all his 17 cows. In his will he dictated the cows be divided in the following ratio. Half of the cows to go to the first born, a third to go the second and a sixth to go to the last born. How would they divide them to make sure no cow was killed and split?

     Anyway, this was the previous riddle.

You want to buy a shirt that costs 97 KeSh but you are broker than a cracked mirror. That is to say you do not have any money. So you decide to borrow. You borrow 50 KeSh from me and 50 KeSh from Rosa . So now you have 100KeSh. I hope I haven't lost you. You buy the shirt and the shopkeeper, lets call him Bwire, LOL JK, his name is Jack Fotreds . Jack gives you  3 KeSh as your change. (100-97). So you decide to start paying off your debts. You give me 1 KeSh and give Rosa 1 KeSh. Then you are left with 1 KeSh, right? So now you owe me 49 KeSh and owe Rosa 49 KeSh. A total of 98 KeSh, add that to the 1 KeSh you've got and you get 99 KeSh. But we lent you a total of 100 KeSh so where did the 1 KeSh go to? Find the shilling. 

      The answer. He only spent 97 (expenditure) yet he "has" 98 (income) that he will still need to pay back as he has already refunded 2, meaning the there's 1 shilling left. Adding 1 to 98 is a trick meant to fool people because that 1 shilling he was left with is already part of the 98. The remaining 2 is what he paid back.

     That is the short and direct answer I got from Tony. If you skipped Business Education in high school like I did and you don't understand the answer, let me know so that I create another post about it. I can't give a short answer to this riddle. I always end up talking and talking and talking just to explain what Tony did in a few words.
     Think about the inheritance riddle and let me know what you think.
Dexxe riddle


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