
Showing posts from March, 2011


Seated on this bed feeling my body drain, Trying to think, but nothing comes to brain, So I just continue sitting, watching the rain. Rice for supper but cant swallow even a grain, Cos every time I swallow all I feel is pain, A cocktail of drugs but all seem in vain. Losing weight and this was my year to gain, Looking like that anorexic bitch from Spain, Makes me angry like the homicidal Cain, But still not sure who needs to be slain. May seem like all I do is complain, But my prayer is to go back and remain, The noisy nigga that you cannot sustain, So I run for solace from my Kathlain.


     So I am back to being a day scholar. Yeah. School has opened and the the owner of the room I was using is back. Well, it was good while it lasted. Went home for the first time this month. My aunt is doing great, thanks for asking. The food is still shitty though. The maize flour used to make ugali is turning sour because its has reached its expiry date. But it cannot be thrown away because ‘we cannot throw away food when people are dying of hunger’. Seriously!? How is eating the food going to help those dying with hunger? Actually I think throwing it away increases their chances of the foodless getting it. They may be snooping round the trash and then, lo and behold, stale ugali !! Trash manna. May not taste like the manna from heaven but it is just as free.      I have not done any kind of shopping for the new semester. I was shocked to find that people even shop for clothes for a new semester. I am still wearing shit I wore in first year. And I think I am expected to grad


     So today is Sunday. And by now it must be obvious to you that I did not go church. I am going to hell right? The best thing about being a Christian is the level of piousness we conduct ourselves with . We are so quick to judge. Isn’t that the work of God? Then why play God? Last weekend when I took an inexpensive trip to the coast (will explain later) , I had a talk with our school bus driver about which denomination was accurate where he simply said all Catholics are not following the Bible. Starting with the simple fact that they do not agree on which is the Sabbath day. I actually thought it was on Sunday, you know, because my computer calendar says so. Apparently Saturday is the seventh day and that is when we are supposed to take the biblical rest hence the Seventh Day Adventists. The simple fact that Christians cannot agree on the seventh day is a tad disturbing. I might just as well as start my own denomination and call it Mwanga wa Majuu ( Brightness of Ups. Am I translat


     Put your hands in the air … and let them stay there... as I pick your pockets. I am broke. I know, I know. That is not news. News would be the fact that we have closed school and I am still in school. We closed like 10 days ago but I never went home. See, our department thought it best for us to stay in school for the two-week break in order for us to analyse the samples we collected when we went for that December field work. Remember that ? The one we were stuck in the wilderness for 14 (pronounced 40) days eating only grass and and grated stones!     I was the first one to scream yes to the idea of not going home for the holidays. To me, what I felt the department was asking was, ‘ Do you want to spend the next two weeks waking up early daily and having stressful practical lessons and eating the same crappy school food and getting broke while the other students are on holiday... or would you rather spend it with your aunt?’      I chose the logical decision.      I got