I am finally back home yay!. Sorry, I should say I am back to The House. Because that is just what this place is. A house that most of its occupants happen to be related by blood.
        Its been so long since I been here that I actually missed it. Yeah I said it. That was the longest academic year I have ever heard of. We open in October and close in September with the only break being that two-week Chrismas break. Its like I am studying for two degrees or something.
        Any way, I got home to find alot has changed. In fact, almost everything, well, except my aunt's weave. She still has the same one from last year. Isn't that considered unsafe? Or is it okay if you just wash it? I would not know, I hate weaves.

      The house help (les call her Mboch) is the one that gave me the update of whats going on since I left. She is always excited and happy despite the bullshit she goes through here. I find that very wierd. She also had lost weight, that gives a story which I will not venture into right now.
     She updated me with so much excitement that, if you watched us from afar you would think she is giving me good news. She had taken this sadistic characteristic from my small sister. I miss her.
     The change I had anticipated most is the stoppage of regular eating of ugali. The price of flour is so through the roof that we could no longer have it daily. So now we have changed up the menu. On somedays we have githeri, other days we change and have githeri and on special days we have ourselves githeri. When some money is 'found' we mill the maize that would have been used for githeri to have flour for ugali. Excitos.
      Yesterday, I had the small cousin come ask me for some munde (I have been told that that means money, in Sheng'. I did not know that. Am I olding?). He wanted my contribution to buy cooking oil to cook lunch. His cooking oil had ran out. That is what happens nowadays. If you want something you buy your own. Food, soap, toothpaste, sugar, tealeaves... hell after the list was done I felt that I needed to be doing my own shopping when I came .
The only difference with this house and my hostel is that the rent for this house is covered, otherwise its all the same.
     The day my aunt will leave here (not when she dies, when she actually moves out of this house) we are waiting to see the kind of house she will build because, godamn, this woman saves too much money. As in, if she leaves us and does not do such things as buy a car, I am actually going to be pissed off because she was being stingy for nothing.
     The TV also had some changes to it. Another cousin of mine ( we are so many in this house) got tired of watching one station and decided to buy a TV booster to improve the reception of other TV stations. Most of the common station were static filled and the rest had bad picture quality you had to listen to the news like its a radio. During the fixing we realise that no other station was working because the tv antenne had been stolen. We had not realised this for all those months. It was so sad that it was hilarious.
     So now the stations are back, the colours however are not. That shit box is still insisting on showing two colours. Everything is either green or red. I wonder how colour blind people might see it like?


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