
Showing posts from February, 2012


(Rosa and I catching up on what has been going on lately in our lives) Her: I dunno in how many days. They are supposed to come next Tuesday. When is today? Me: I think, today is Friday. Her: Then that means we wait for… Me: No, today is Thursday. Her: What? Me: Thursday. Her: Say that again? Me: Thursday. Her: Again? Me: Why? Her: You are saying it funny. Me: No I am not. Her: It’s Thursday. Me: That is how I said it. Her: No you didn’t. You said Thursday Me: Instead of? Her: Thursday. Me: I hear no difference. Her: Of course you don’t. It is the Bantu in you. Me: I do not give a shit about these diphthongs or digraphs or whatever it is. English came to Kenya in a boat. It is not our language. Her: Exactly, it is not your language. So don’t spoil it like you own it. Also, it’s diphthong not diphthong. Me: Now you are messing with me. Her: Seriously, something is wrong with your tongue. Why is it so heavy. Me: I have been talking like that my whole life. Her: Really? Me: You know what,


      How was your day? Mine? Class was shit but the visit to the school clinic was shittier. My stomach has been hurting since as long as I can remember (two days ago) and I decided to make a quick stop at the clinic for my usual round of ' it's nothing serious. It's probably just normal amoeba. Take these ' . I tell Doc I have diarrhea and he figures that I need to get my shit together, so prescribes some drugs .       Since I was already there, I decided to tell him about my cracked tooth. See, last weekend I was with a pal of mine somewhere in Kawangware looking for cheap shoes that could fit me. None of the ones we saw fitted both qualities so headed on back. On the way, we bought sugarcane. After he was through with his he started complaining of rashes on his face. Tried to look back and see if he had eaten anything that he was allergic to. This nigga is allergic to a variety of proteins. Milk and shit. How did such guys breast feed when they were babies? Or is th


      I thought I had an 8 O'clock class, so I woke up early, did my shit and appeared in class right on time at 8.14 am. Only to find that I did not. Timetable clashes. What a waste of clean clothes. What a waste of sleep time. So what do I do now? I could go to the dentist. My tooth has been hurting something fierce since I broke it while chewing sugarcane last week. Eating has kinda been difficult and I now believe it has to be removed. I could go back to sleep, but then again I don't like sleeping during the day. Messes up my cycle. No, maybe I can actually finish that report on the field work we did last August that is due very very soon. Remind me to do that by the way. Or maybe I could walk in the middle of town to go sing the National Anthem at 1 am. the Kenya28Feb Poster      No, that is not just one of the random crazy ideas I give myself. It is an actual ceremony. Every February 28th, Kenyans congregate themselves at various public places and sing the national anthe


      It was a chilly brisk, virulent, acoustically pleasing Saturday night. The stars were lined astronomically to cast virulent light across this virulent work of art that is Kenya.      Remember them primary school days when you had to write compositions like this or else don’t score both with the marks or the ladies .Yeah . The good old 90s.      Fast forward to this millennium. Saturday the twenty ninth, 2010 at 23.33.45. Wait. Now its 23.33.53. No shit. now the time is 23.34.09. Crap. But I guess you are getting my point, which is…. I hate my aunt. This is the decentest photo of Ms Guerra I could find.      I am lying on my bed looking the ceiling, but my view is blocked by the numerous mosquitoes circling me like hungry vultures waiting impatiently for the lights to be switched off or for me to sleep off. Whichever comes first. I normally don’t go out for raves on weekends because….. Vida Guerra is hot.       Instead, I normally settle for a movie or six then go sleep with