
Showing posts from May, 2012

Gina Carano is Mallory in HAYWIRE

    The reason I watch movies sometimes is just because of the fight scenes. That is why I liked the scene with Bruce Willis and Cyril Rafaelli in Die Hard 4. I repeated that scene like 40 times. And that one of Maggie Q kicking Willis' ass. That was also fun to watch. Those scenes had a way of making you think that those guys actually did their own stunts. Which they probably did. I appreciate that in a movie. Yes CGI is cool but lets leave that to Michael Bay, shall we? seeeeeexy       In terms of fighting scenes, I hated great movies like the Bourne series. Everyone tells me I am crazy for hating it and I wouldn't know a good action scene if it hit me in the face. The jumping through windows and car chases were fine and all but the physical fights didn't really make me want to hit the replay button. Too many cut-scenes if you ask me. A fist is thrown then the scene cuts and you get to see the fist land on a face then scene cuts to show you the guy falling. All being done


      I am a big fan of motorbikes. I really am. I even have plans of getting an Aprilia or a Ducati before life (read marriage) forces me to settle down. I think they are cool and powerful and might get me laid a lot (oh these great and wonderful ambitions I have). Of late however, I think I am going to have to change my dreams (and ambitions) because of these bodabodas . If you have never been to Kenya (or you are rich) you definitely haven't had the displeasure of interacting with these deathtraps. With the economic rise of these Asian industries, a lot of things have made made affordable and among them; motorcycles. These bikes are so cheap that every Tom, Dick and Harry can buy them. And they have. The country is now littered by them. They are mostly used as taxis ( bodaboda ). The rise of the bodaboda business has been both great and bad. Mostly bad. Yes they give jobs to the youth and all but most of these bodaboda riders are very incompetent, so it is usually a glance at de


     My day started off disappointingly . The shower was not hot. So I had to hurry. But like most boring people, I have a routine. Take face towel, wet it, apply soap, close my eyes, scrub my face hard, open my eyes, look at the dirt on face towel, close my eyes, scrub behind my left ear, open my eyes, look at the dirt, close my eyes, scrub under right ear. I think you get the point. I am a fucking robot. But today I got a bit off. After washing inside the left ear I opened my ears and then shoved the soapy towel into my right eye instead of ear. It hurt. It hurt so much. So much that I got an erection.          I think my whole system is breaking up. It's like I'm sick or something. Everything  I do or say is wrong and I only realize it when someone points it out or I get hurt. I blame the weather. Also the Devil. Oh yeah, and my poor eating habits. I have been eating bread so many times this week that I fear that I might have a yeast infection.      But let me not hate on th