We were talking about employment options the other day when someone brought up the issue of CVs. That made me think about how my CV looks like. Or how it would look like if I actually sat down and conjured one. It would not go past one page, unless I tripled the font and included illustrations. I have nothing to write on my CV past primary and high school education. I bet I could fit my whole CV in one tweet. I was asked what I would put on the hobbies section and I answered that I would not put a hobbies section. Because I have none. I asked everyone in the room what their hobby was. And before Kip could answer, I told them watching porn did not count. He swallowed what he was going to say. Then said his hobby was driving. I asked him when the last time he drove a car was. Like two years ago. Someone else asked him whether he had a driving license. No. He clearly was confusing a hobby and a fantasy. A hobby, acc...